Menu for 6/22-6/28
Last week I forgot to factor in a Father's Day meal!! So I traded with another night that had a better meal. I realized early on in the week so I had some wiggle room. I did make cinnamon rolls for breakfast though. I had everything on hand for them. I keep brown, white, and powdered sugar (for icings) on hand. We don't use them much so they last for a long time. Sunday is my daughter's birthday so she picked out what she wanted me to cook for the day. I can't believe she chose BLT sandwiches. Next Monday we are taking her out to eat and to a movie. My husband is off on Monday's and theatres and restaurants are not as busy then. We don't enjoy ourselves much when they are packed.
It has been very difficult for me to plan our menu's these past two weeks because I am eliminating dairy to see if my breastfed 6 week old is having a reaction. I am still giving the children dairy just not myself. Next week I will introduce it again to see if his crying fits at night get worse. They seem to have improved. I am unsure if they are colic, dairy or both. I didn't realize how much we use dairy products until now. Going without makes me crave it more. I also realize that we have been eating far beyond the recommended amount of dairy. Something I need to work on.
Pasta with chicken, zucchini (from our garden), carrots, tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers. I make a sauce to go over it. I make up all kinds of different sauces. I don't like using store bought sauces or condensed soups. They are expensive and unhealthy. Sauces are easy and cheap to make. Homemade sauces aren't exactly healthy but they don't have a bunch of names I can't pronounce and they are lower in sodium than the store bought alternative. Homemade tastes better too.
Spaghetti with sausage and veggies
Black beans, rice and veggies on corn tortillas with salsa and sour cream.
Pizza topped with tomatoes, olives, grated carrots, bell peppers, and onions. I'll make me a sandwich or eat leftovers :(
We are going over to our Family's house for dinner. No cooking for me!!!
Our Church celebration of St. Peter and St. Paul. I am going to bring a cake.
Cinnamon Rolls (breakfast)
Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato Sandwiches on homemade rolls with hash browns and cake. (The lettuce comes from the garden)
Oatmeal (I try to serve this at least 4 mornings because it is so good for you), whole wheat muffins, and whole wheat pancakes. All served with fresh fruit.
We usually eat sandwiches on homemade bread with veggies. My husband brown bags our leftovers from dinner. I also freeze muffins, pancakes, and banana bread for his breakfast to take to work. He works four 10 hour days.
Fresh fruit, Fresh vegetables, homemade yogurt, whole wheat chocolate chip cookies, popcorn, muffins, and bread. At my house if there is left over bread from lunch my children devour it. They LOVE homemade bread. I think it is their favorite food.
What we got:
Strawberry Jelly, two packs of tomatoes (ours in the garden are not ready yet), canned tomatoes, a small bag of white flour (to thicken sauces, the wheat flour doesn't thicken good), 100 corn tortillas, Milk, eggs, Turkey bacon, bag of apples, bag of peaches, bag of plums, carrots, celery, onions, bell peppers, cucumbers, bag of frozen corn, bag of frozen California blend veggies, bag of frozen stir fry veggies, bag of Jalisco blend veggies, 3 boxes whole wheat pasta, 2 rolls of sausage, 2 cans fruit cocktail, 3 cans of peaches, and 4 cans of Mandarin oranges. All of the canned fruit is canned in fruit juices not in syrups.
Our Total: $52.36
I went $2.36 over our $50 weekly budget (excluding our Sam's trip and Breadbecker's order). I did have some extra cash set aside from previous shopping trips that I used. I only take cash with me when I shop to stay within my budget.
For more great menu ideas check out: http://orgjunkie.com/